Sunday, 27 May 2012

Gedung Kesenian Jakarta - Jakarta International Performing Arts Festival 2012

The 11th IDF: Jakarta International Performing Arts 2012

Sabtu, 2 Juni 2012, pkl. 20.00 WIB | Saturday, June 2, 2012 – 8 p.m.
Anter Asmorotedjo (Jogyakarta – Indonesia)

“Kiss” merupakan sebuah ungkapan kasih sayang seorang ibu pada anaknya, sebagai seorang berada jauh dari tanah kelahirannya. Ketika seseorang berada jauh dari tanah kelahiran muncul perasaan rindu padanya.
Anter Asmorotedjo, penerima grant dari Asian Cultural Council untuk berpartisipasi dalam American Dance Festival di Durham, North Carolina, Amerika Serikat, di mana beliau belajar tari dengan beberapa Koreografer tari Kontemporer maupun tari Modern. Sampai saat ini sudah 50 karya lebih telah dipentaskan, dan beberapa karyanya dipentaskan di luar negeri, antara lain Amerika Serikat dan Rusia.

“Kiss” is an expression of love of a mother to her child, as a person who is being away from their homeland. When someone is away from the birth land brought the sense of longing to it.
Anter Asmorotedjo, grant recipient of the Asian Cultural Council for participating in American Dance Festival in Durham, North Carolina, USA, where he studied dance with contemporary and modern dance choreographers. Up to now, there are over 50 dance works of him, several of them are performed overseas; USA and Russia.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Public forum: Writers from Indonesia and China

The School of Creative Arts and Humanities, Charles Darwin University, is pleased to present a public talk by three renowned writers from Indonesia and China: Linda Christanty, Yudhi Herwibowo and Ouyang Yu. The authors will discuss their latest literary works and activities in the context of current political, social and cultural trends and issues in contemporary Indonesia and China. All welcome!

Date: Monday, 14 May 2012
Time: 1000-1130
Venue: building ORANGE 6.1.8 (Performance Room next to the Indonesian Garden)

About the writers:
Linda Christanty is an Indonesian author and journalist. She has written short story collections, essays and reports, winning several awards for her works. Her latest book (non-fiction), Jangan Tulis Kami Teroris (Don’t Write Us Down As Terrorists) talks about religious, political and sexual issues in Indonesia and Southeast Asian countries.
Yudhi Herwibowo was born in Palembang, South Sumatra and studied architecture at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. He has won several national literary competitions, and published novels including Lama FaPerjalanan Menuju CahayaPandaya SriwijayaUntung Surapati, and a collection of his short stories, Mata Air Air Mata Kumari [published also in English as ‘Spring of Kumari Tears’]
Ouyang Yu has published 62 books of poetry, fiction, non- fiction, literary translation and criticism in English and Chinese languages. Award-winning novels include The Eastern Slope ChronicleThe English Class, his translations into Chinese: The Man Who Loved Children and The Fatal Shore, and his collection of poetry, Songs of the Last Chinese Poet.

In organising this event CDU would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia, Darwin and the NT Writers' Centre and the WordStorm Festival of Australasian Writing.